Thursday, April 1, 2010

Contact Me

I would love for you to e-mail me with any detailed questions or comments you may have for me!

Please contact me at:

I usually check my e-mail about 500 times a day, so if you e-mail me, you'll be sure to get a response the same day!


  1. hi, this is Analia, I found you over the SEI Team at Etsy! Anyway I love your BLOGS you do a great job!!!

  2. Hi, I had to stop and tell you what a great job you're doing... your tutorials are the easiest to follow and will be making the flower cushion and ruffle pillow soon. I found you from the 'Fickle Pickle' site.
    I wish you had a facebook for this blog (or business) because I would love to be kept abreast of new entries.
    All the best
